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Polémica por supuesta brecha salarial entre Pedro Pascal y Bella Ramsey en "The Last of Us"

By Krystal Clarity
Published in Entretenimiento
May 09, 2023
1 min read
Polémica por supuesta brecha salarial entre Pedro Pascal y Bella Ramsey en "The Last of Us"

As a writer for a news site, I came across an interesting article titled “Polémica por supuesta brecha salarial entre Pedro Pascal y Bella Ramsey en ‘The Last of Us’“. The article is about the alleged pay gap between Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey, the two lead actors of the upcoming TV series ‘The Last of Us’.

According to the article, Pedro Pascal, who is a well-established actor, is reportedly receiving a higher salary than Bella Ramsey, who is relatively new to the industry and rose to fame through her role in ‘Game of Thrones’. This has sparked controversy, with many people pointing out that this is yet another example of the gender pay gap in Hollywood, where women are often paid less than their male counterparts.

This is not the first time such an issue has come to light. Many female actors have spoken out about the pay gap in the entertainment industry, which often leads to women being paid less than men for doing the same job. This pay gap is even wider for women of color, who face multiple barriers to entry and are often excluded from mainstream roles.

There has been no official response from the production company or the actors regarding this alleged pay gap. However, this issue highlights the ongoing problem of pay inequality in the entertainment industry and the need for more transparency and fairness in the way actors are paid.

In conclusion, this article sheds light on the issue of gender pay gap in Hollywood and highlights the need for more equitable pay for women in the entertainment industry. It is important to address this issue and work towards creating a fair and inclusive work environment.

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Krystal Clarity

Psychic And Spiritual Counselor

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