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¿Por qué ducharte todos los días podría ser malo para la salud? Esto dice un experto de la Universidad de Harvard

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Mascotas
June 23, 2023
1 min read
¿Por qué ducharte todos los días podría ser malo para la salud? Esto dice un experto de la Universidad de Harvard

As we approach the hot and humid summer season, many of us may have the habit of taking a daily shower to feel fresh and clean. However, have you ever considered whether this daily routine is actually harmful to your health? According to an expert at Harvard University, taking a shower every day could dry out your skin and disrupt your body’s natural microbiome.

Our skin is covered in a layer of helpful bacteria that protect us from harmful microbes and infections. When we constantly wash away these bacteria with soap and water, we risk disrupting this delicate balance, which could lead to skin irritation, allergies, and even an increased risk of infections.

Moreover, showering too frequently could strip away the natural oils in our skin, which can cause dryness, itching, and even eczema. This is especially true if you use harsh soaps and hot water, which can further damage your skin’s protective barrier.

Of course, this doesn’t mean you should stop taking showers altogether. Rather, the key is to find a balance between cleanliness and skin health. Experts recommend taking a shower every other day or every third day, using mild and fragrance-free soap, and avoiding hot water. You could also use moisturizers and probiotic products to help restore your skin’s natural microbiome.

In conclusion, taking a shower every day may not be as beneficial as we once thought, and could even harm our skin and immune system. By adopting a more mindful approach to hygiene, we can keep ourselves clean and healthy without sacrificing our skin’s natural balance.

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Sophie Hawthorne

Sophie Hawthorne

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