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Por qué las adolescentes sufren más la ansiedad y la depresión que provocan las redes sociales

By Zoe Bauer
Published in Vida Sana
June 04, 2023
1 min read
Por qué las adolescentes sufren más la ansiedad y la depresión que provocan las redes sociales

As social media becomes a more significant part of our daily lives, it’s worth asking: what is the impact on our mental health? Particularly among teenagers, anxiety and depression appear to be on the rise, and some are pointing the finger at social media. A recent article titled “Por qué las adolescentes sufren más la ansiedad y la depresión que provocan las redes sociales” explores this topic in depth.

According to the article, social media creates an environment that constantly invites comparison and critique. For teenage girls, in particular, these pressures can be overwhelming. Because social media is often used as a tool for self-presentation, girls are faced with constant imagery and examples of what they ‘should’ look like, dress like, or even think like. When they inevitably fall short of these ideals, they can feel deeply anxious or depressed.

The article also notes that social media use is correlated with a decreased sense of self-esteem. It creates an illusion of needing to present oneself as perfect and consequently, individuals who use social media are likely to perceive their own lives as less perfect than those of their peers.

Personally, when I think about how much time I spend on social media, it’s easy to see how it can impact our mental health. Striving for perfection is exhausting, especially when that image is unattainable, to begin with.

Overall, the article highlights an important conversation about how we interact with social media and, particularly for teens, how we can learn to use these platforms without sacrificing our emotional well-being.

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Zoe Bauer

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