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Presidente Boric respondió a Milad por deudores de alimentos: “Esto no es populismo, es justicia”

By Carlos Hermano
Published in Politica Nacional
May 20, 2023
1 min read
Presidente Boric respondió a Milad por deudores de alimentos: “Esto no es populismo, es justicia”

So, I just read this article about the President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, responding to Governor of Maule, Juan Manuel Milad, about child support debtors. Basically, Boric said that going after these people is not just a populist move; it’s about justice for the children who are being neglected.

I thought this was really interesting because I know firsthand how hard it can be to get child support, and how frustrating it is when the other parent doesn’t pay. I have a friend who has been fighting for years to get her ex-husband to pay what he owes, and it’s been a constant battle. So, it’s great to see a leader taking a stand and fighting for the rights of these kids.

In the article, Boric explains that child support payments are not just a financial obligation, but a fundamental duty as a parent. He also mentioned that in Chile, one out of every four children is living in poverty, so making sure they have the support they need is crucial.

I think it’s important to hold parents accountable for their responsibilities, especially when it comes to taking care of their children. It’s not fair to the parent who has to shoulder the financial burden alone, and it’s especially not fair to the kids who are missing out on necessary resources.

Overall, I think Boric’s stance on this issue is commendable, and I hope more leaders take note and focus on making sure children have what they need to thrive.

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Carlos Hermano

Carlos Hermano

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