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Presidente Boric veta proyecto que sanciona delitos de cuello y corbata

By Laura White
Published in Politica Nacional
June 15, 2023
1 min read
Presidente Boric veta proyecto que sanciona delitos de cuello y corbata

So, I just came across this article about President Boric vetoing a project that would sanction white-collar crimes. It’s such an interesting topic, and honestly, I’m not surprised by his decision.

Basically, the project would have imposed stricter penalties on crimes committed by people in positions of power, like corporate executives and politicians. However, President Boric argued that the bill wasn’t comprehensive enough and didn’t address the root causes of these crimes.

I remember back in high school when a friend of mine’s dad was involved in a white-collar crime. It was shocking because he seemed like such a wholesome guy, but then it turns out he had been embezzling money from his company for years. It just goes to show that you really never know what people are capable of.

But anyway, back to the article. While some people are disappointed by the veto, I can see why President Boric chose to do it. Deep-seated issues like corruption and greed can’t be solved just by punishing a few bad apples.

Overall, I think this is an important topic to keep an eye on. We need to figure out better ways to prevent white-collar crimes and hold those responsible accountable.

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Laura White

Laura White

Education Correspondent

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