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Primeras muestras de aves muertas en costa de La Serena y Coquimbo resultan negativas a influenza aviar

By Laura White
Published in Actualidad
June 04, 2023
1 min read
Primeras muestras de aves muertas en costa de La Serena y Coquimbo resultan negativas a influenza aviar

So, I read this article about dead birds being found on the coasts of La Serena and Coquimbo, and was relieved to find out that they tested negative for avian influenza. I mean, can you imagine if that had spread to humans? But seriously, it’s a good thing they’re keeping a close eye on these things.

Basically, there have been reports of dead birds washing up on the shores of these cities, causing concern that they may be carrying avian influenza. However, after testing the samples, it has been confirmed that they are not infected with the virus.

This is great news because avian influenza is a serious disease that can be transmitted to humans through close contact with infected birds or their excrement. It can cause severe respiratory illness and even death in some cases.

Personally, I remember a few years ago when there was an outbreak of avian influenza in my hometown and it was a scary time. People were afraid to go outside and there was a lot of misinformation being spread around.

Overall, I think it’s important that we stay informed about these kinds of issues and take steps to protect ourselves and our communities. By keeping a watchful eye on the situation and following protocols, we can prevent the spread of diseases and keep ourselves healthy.

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Laura White

Laura White

Education Correspondent

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