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Priscilla Vargas sobre su éxito en Canal 13: "Podría haberme quedado leyendo noticias, pero..."

By Laura White
Published in Vida Sana
May 11, 2023
1 min read
Priscilla Vargas sobre su éxito en Canal 13: "Podría haberme quedado leyendo noticias, pero..."

Priscilla Vargas, the popular journalist and TV host, recently sat down with a news outlet and spoke about her successful career at Canal 13 in Chile. What caught our attention was her candid reflection on her choice to pursue a different path, despite being comfortable in her previous job.

Vargas began her career as a newsreader, a role she enjoyed, but felt there was more for her to explore. She took a chance and joined the entertainment team at Canal 13, which opened up new possibilities for her. Vargas believes that her willingness to take risks and try new things has been a key factor in her success.

Despite some initial pushback, Channel 13 viewers have embraced Priscilla’s versatility and applauded her for her hard work, determination, and commitment to her craft. Her words of advice to anyone considering a similar career move are to never settle for what feels safe and to always be open to different opportunities and experiences.

This article sheds light on the importance of taking risks and expanding one’s horizons to achieve success. It also highlights the valuable contribution of women in media and entertainment, and how their voices bring diversity and different perspectives to the table. In a competitive industry, Priscilla Vargas’s story serves as a reminder to aspiring journalists and media professionals to stay true to their passions and strive for excellence.

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