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Queraltó contará historia cuando Piñera lo dejó abandonado en una carretera: “El señor se baja acá”

By Carlos Hermano
Published in Actualidad
June 03, 2023
1 min read
Queraltó contará historia cuando Piñera lo dejó abandonado en una carretera: “El señor se baja acá”

I came across an interesting article about Chilean President Sebastian Piñera and his former physician, Luis Felipe Queraltó. The physician recently shared an account of the time when Piñera left him stranded on a highway in the middle of nowhere.

According to Queraltó, Piñera had been in a hurry to catch a flight, so he asked Queraltó to ride with him in the presidential convoy. However, on the way, Piñera abruptly stopped the car and told Queraltó to get out, saying “El señor se baja acá”, which translates to “You get off here, sir.” The physician was left alone in the middle of the road, without any transportation or communication devices.

Queraltó said that he had to walk a few miles until he found a farmer who gave him a ride. This experience left him deeply puzzled and hurt since he had served as the President’s doctor for many years.

This action has sparked criticism and outrage from Chilean citizens and politicians, who consider it a lack of respect towards an experienced medical professional.

This incident reflects the importance of respect and empathy towards professionals’ services, especially during times of need. It is crucial for leaders to treat every individual with civility and decency, regardless of their background or social status. In this case, Piñera’s actions highlight how power dynamics can influence human behavior.

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Carlos Hermano

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