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Raúl Soto: “Piñera es responsable de haber dado chipe libre al narcotráfico, crimen organizado y nuevas formas delictuales”

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Actualidad
May 16, 2023
1 min read
Raúl Soto: “Piñera es responsable de haber dado chipe libre al narcotráfico, crimen organizado y nuevas formas delictuales”

As a writer for a news site, the article titled Raúl Soto: “Piñera es responsable de haber dado chipe libre al narcotráfico, crimen organizado y nuevas formas delictuales” caught my attention. The article covers the recent statement made by Chilean senator, Raúl Soto, accusing President Sebastián Piñera of allowing drug trafficking, organized crime and new forms of criminal activity to thrive in Chile.

According to Soto, the government’s lack of action and enforcement has led to an increase in crime and violence in the country. He went on to say that inadequate resources have been allocated to law enforcement agencies, leaving them ill-equipped to handle the situation.

Soto also criticized the government’s approach to addressing drug-related issues, citing the failure of current policies and strategies. Despite the fact that drug seizures have increased over the years, this hasn’t translated into a significant reduction in drug-related crimes.

This statement by Raúl Soto highlights the ongoing debate about the effectiveness of current policies aimed at combating organized crime and drug-related issues in Chile. While there have been some successes, there are still serious concerns that need attention, such as corruption and inadequate resources.

In conclusion, the statement made by Raúl Soto is important, as it brings to light the need for a renewed focus and investment in law enforcement to effectively tackle the rise of criminal activity in Chile. It calls for urgent action from the government to prioritize this issue and ensure the safety and well-being of its citizens.

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Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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