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Remezón en el mundo político: Doctora Cordero es desaforada tras polémicos dichos en contra de Fabiola Campillai 

By Eric Sterling
Published in Politica Nacional
June 09, 2023
1 min read
Remezón en el mundo político: Doctora Cordero es desaforada tras polémicos dichos en contra de Fabiola Campillai 

So I came across this wild story about a Chilean doctor getting fired from her job as a lawmaker. Apparently, the woman, Dr. Cordero, said some really nasty stuff about another woman, Fabiola Campillai, who lost her eyesight after being hit by a police officer during a protest. Dr. Cordero basically accused Campillai of being a commie who deserved what she got, and people were not happy about it.

Long story short, the Chilean Parliament reviewed Dr. Cordero’s conduct and decided that she had violated ethical principles and should be stripped of her immunity as a lawmaker. This means they can investigate her for any possible wrongdoing without her being able to use her position to protect herself. Yikes.

It’s hard not to get heated about this kind of thing. As someone who’s been to protests before, I hate to think that my government might not have my back if something terrible happened to me. But I also understand that people have different opinions and are entitled to express them. It’s a delicate balance, and it’s important to be respectful and thoughtful in our discourse.

In conclusion, this story reminds us that words have consequences, especially when it comes to the political realm. It’s important to think before we speak, and to remember that our words have the power to hurt or to heal. Let’s use that power for good, and try to build each other up instead of tearing each other down.

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Eric Sterling

Eric Sterling

Freelance Reporter

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