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Reportan fuga de afiliados de la AFP Uno más salida de cotizantes de un multifondo en particular

By Maya Ito
Published in Actualidad
June 17, 2023
1 min read
Reportan fuga de afiliados de la AFP Uno más salida de cotizantes de un multifondo en particular

Hey! I just read this article about some people leaving a specific pension fund. Apparently, a lot of people are jumping ship from the AFP Uno mas and its multifondo. The article mentions that this fund has been underperforming compared to others and that it’s not the first time they’ve had issues with clients leaving.

It’s not surprising to me that people are leaving. I’ve had friends who have had issues with their pension funds before, and it can be really frustrating. It’s your money, after all, and you want to make sure it’s being managed well.

According to the article, the AFP Uno mas has been facing some financial difficulties recently, which may be contributing to the problems. It’s tough out there for retirement funds, especially with all the uncertainty in the markets lately. But still, you would hope that these companies would be doing everything they can to keep their clients happy and invested.

The main takeaway is that it’s important to do your research when choosing a pension fund or any other kind of investment vehicle. Don’t just go with the first option that comes your way or trust that a company will always have your best interests at heart. You need to be your own advocate and make sure that you’re getting the best possible return on your investment.

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