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Republicanos en la antesala de la AC de Ávila: “En 15 meses de gestión sólo se ha dedicado a promover el adiestramiento sexual de los niños"

By Laura White
Published in Politica Nacional
June 20, 2023
1 min read
Republicanos en la antesala de la AC de Ávila: “En 15 meses de gestión sólo se ha dedicado a promover el adiestramiento sexual de los niños"

The Republican Party of Spain is facing criticism ahead of its upcoming national convention in Avila. According to reports, the party has failed to deliver on its key promises during its 15 months in power, instead focusing on promoting sexual education for children. Critics have accused the party of neglecting its responsibilities to address pressing issues such as healthcare, the economy, and the environment. Some party members have even called for a change in leadership in order to steer the party back on course. This situation highlights the challenges that political parties face when they prioritize issues that are not seen as priorities by the public, and underscores the importance of careful planning and effective communication in political governance.

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Laura White

Laura White

Education Correspondent

"Irací por mucho tiempo más": las palabras del Presidente Boric para la alcaldesa de Santiago en el Parque O'Higgins
September 16, 2023
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