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Republicanos propone cierre de fronteras y que narcotráfico sea considerado como atentado a los DDHH

By Krystal Clarity
Published in Politica Nacional
May 08, 2023
1 min read
Republicanos propone cierre de fronteras y que narcotráfico sea considerado como atentado a los DDHH

So, the other day I read this interesting article about a proposal from the Republican party that suggests closing the borders and considering drug trafficking as an attack on human rights. Basically, they want to make trafficking a criminal offense that falls under the umbrella of crimes against humanity. Now, I’m not heavily into politics, but this caught my attention.

To summarize, the Republicans are pushing for stricter control of the borders and wanting to ensure that human rights violations stemming from drug trafficking are taken extremely seriously. Their hope is to deter more people from crossing into the US and reduce the amount of illegal drugs being smuggled in.

Personally, I think this is a good idea. Having grown up in a border town, I have seen the negative effects that drug trafficking can have on a community. However, I also think there needs to be a balance. We need to ensure that people who come to this country seeking asylum or a better life are not unfairly punished in the process.

In conclusion, this proposal from the Republicans is definitely a topic worth discussing. It could potentially have a significant impact on border control and drug trafficking. However, it’s important to consider both the pros and cons and ensure that the rights of individuals are not being disregarded in the pursuit of these goals.

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Krystal Clarity

Krystal Clarity

Psychic And Spiritual Counselor

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