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RN llama a respetar "la presunción de inocencia" tras formalización del exalcalde Torrealba

By Krystal Clarity
Published in Politica Nacional
June 17, 2023
1 min read
RN llama a respetar "la presunción de inocencia" tras formalización del exalcalde Torrealba

So I was reading this article called “RN llama a respetar ‘la presunción de inocencia’ tras formalización del exalcalde Torrealba” and it was pretty interesting. Basically, RN (Renovación Nacional) is a political party in Chile and they’re calling for people to respect the principle of “innocent until proven guilty” after a former mayor, Torrealba, was formally charged with some pretty serious crimes.

According to the article, RN put out a statement saying that “the right to a fair trial, respect for the presumption of innocence, and due process are fundamental principles of the rule of law.” They also emphasized the importance of letting the judicial system run its course and not making judgments based on rumors or hearsay.

I think this is a really important point, especially in our current climate where everything seems to be so polarized and people are quick to jump to conclusions based on limited information. It’s easy to forget that the justice system is there to ensure that everyone gets a fair trial, regardless of how they might be perceived in the court of public opinion.

Personally, I’ve seen how damaging it can be when people assume guilt before all the facts are out. I had a friend who was accused of something really serious, but it turned out to be a complete misunderstanding and he was completely innocent. But for a few days there, his life was a living nightmare as people on social media were calling for his head. It was really scary to see how quickly things can spiral out of control.

So yeah, I think this is definitely a topic worth paying attention to. Even if someone seems guilty based on circumstantial evidence, we need to remember that the justice system is designed to ensure that we don’t jump to conclusions and potentially punish the wrong person.

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Krystal Clarity

Krystal Clarity

Psychic And Spiritual Counselor

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