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Se forma depresión tropical en el Atlántico y se fortalece

By Noah Herrera
Published in Vida Sana
June 21, 2023
1 min read
Se forma depresión tropical en el Atlántico y se fortalece

In the midst of a hurricane season that has already been unusually active, there is now a new storm brewing in the Atlantic. According to recent reports, a tropical depression has formed and is rapidly gaining strength.

This depression is located near the Gulf of Mexico, and is predicted to move towards the eastern coast of the US in the coming days. As it strengthens, it could become a tropical storm or even a hurricane.

Residents along the Gulf and East Coasts are advised to keep a close eye on this developing situation and make necessary preparations. With the ongoing pandemic, it’s more important than ever to have a disaster plan and supplies on hand in case of an emergency.

This year’s hurricane season has already been challenging for many communities in the US and beyond. The formation of this new tropical depression only adds to the stress and uncertainty. As we continue to navigate these difficult times, let’s stay informed and take steps to stay safe.

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Noah Herrera

Noah Herrera

Writer & Environmental Correspondent

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