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¿Se le acaba la fiesta a los delincuentes? Piñera declara como imputado por crímenes de lesa humanidad durante 6 horas ante valerosa fiscal Chong

By Owen Galvez
Published in Actualidad
June 01, 2023
1 min read
¿Se le acaba la fiesta a los delincuentes? Piñera declara como imputado por crímenes de lesa humanidad durante 6 horas ante valerosa fiscal Chong

In an unexpected turn of events, Chilean President Sebastián Piñera was called to testify as a suspect in a case of human rights violations that occurred during the recent social outbreak in the country. The president sat before prosecutor Ximena Chong for over six hours on Monday, answering questions about allegations of abuse, torture, and sexual assault committed by police and military forces against civilians. The statement made by Piñera is the first of its kind by a sitting president in the country, and could have significant repercussions in the ongoing investigation. While some have lauded the move as a sign of progress in holding those responsible for the violence accountable, others remain skeptical of its significance. Regardless, the event serves as a reminder of the deep divisions and challenges facing Chilean society today.

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Owen Galvez

Owen Galvez

Food Critic

Con la coronación de la Reina de la Cazuela en Villa Dorotea la Municipalidad de Natales dio por iniciada las Fiestas Patrias 
September 13, 2023
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