So, I just read this article about Kast and the Sector de Rojo Edwards, and it’s pretty interesting. Basically, the Sector de Rojo Edwards is a group of right-wing politicians and activists who are not happy with Kast’s anteproyecto constitucional, or preliminary constitutional proposal.
They think that his proposal doesn’t go far enough in protecting individual liberties and promoting free-market capitalism. And they’re not afraid to speak their minds - they’ve even called for others to reject Kast’s proposal outright.
Personally, I wasn’t too surprised to hear about this. I mean, Kast has always been a pretty controversial figure, and it’s not unusual for different factions within a political party to disagree on policy. But it’s interesting to see how this might play out in the long run.
In addition to this, I’ve been keeping up with the debates around the constitutional reform process in Chile more broadly. It’s a huge topic of conversation right now, and there are a lot of different opinions on what should be included in the new constitution.
Overall, I think it’s important to pay attention to these conversations, because they will have a big impact on the future of Chilean society. Whether or not you agree with Kast or the Sector de Rojo Edwards, it’s clear that there are profound changes happening, and we all have a stake in how this plays out.
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