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Sernapesca confirma primer caso de Influenza Aviar en mamífero marino en región de Aysén

By Tristan Garcia
Published in Actualidad
June 06, 2023
1 min read
Sernapesca confirma primer caso de Influenza Aviar en mamífero marino en región de Aysén

I came across an interesting article titled “Sernapesca confirms first case of Avian Influenza in marine mammal in the Aysen region.” This caught my attention because we don’t often hear about cases of Avian Influenza in marine mammals.

According to the article, Sernapesca which is the Chilean national fisheries and aquaculture service, has confirmed the first case of Avian Influenza in a marine mammal in the Aysen region. The infected animal was a sei whale, which was found dead on the beach of an island. The cause of death was not immediately known.

Further investigations were carried out, and samples were sent to the laboratory for analysis. The results revealed that the sei whale had been infected with the H13N2 subtype of the avian influenza virus. This virus is common in birds, but it is rare to see it in marine mammals or other animals.

The article also mentioned that the avian influenza virus can have serious consequences for both animal and human health. Therefore, it is crucial to monitor the spread and transmission of the virus.

In my opinion, this serves as a reminder of the effects of climate change and the dangers that come with it. The increase in ocean temperature has led to the migration of birds and other animals to new environments, which could potentially lead to new diseases or strains of existing viruses. Hence, there is a need for constant monitoring and preventive measures.

In summary, the first case of Avian Influenza in a marine mammal is a cause for concern, and it highlights the importance of constant monitoring and preventive measures to avoid the spread.

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Tristan Garcia

Tristan Garcia

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