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Servicio de Salud Arica formó a profesionales en guía de atención en salud mental

By Jason Nguyen
Published in Vida Sana
May 12, 2023
1 min read
Servicio de Salud Arica formó a profesionales en guía de atención en salud mental

So, I came across this really interesting article about the Servicio de Salud Arica forming professionals to guide people in mental healthcare. Basically, they were training practitioners on how to assess and manage mental health concerns in patients.

The article talked about how the Servicio de Salud Arica recognized the increasing prevalence of mental health issues in their region and wanted to equip their healthcare workers with the necessary knowledge and skills to address them. They trained over 100 professionals across different healthcare facilities, such as primary healthcare centers and hospitals. The training covered topics such as identifying mental health concerns, providing psychological support, and making appropriate referrals.

I think it’s great that this is happening because mental health is something that is often overlooked in many healthcare systems around the world. I remember when I was in college, I struggled with anxiety and depression, and it was difficult to find mental health resources on campus. It’s only in recent years that mental health has become more widely discussed and accepted, so it’s reassuring to see healthcare systems take notice and provide necessary training for their practitioners.

Overall, I think this article highlights the importance of mental health care and the need for better education and access to mental health resources globally. Mental health affects so many people, and it’s crucial for healthcare systems to prioritize it as a legitimate concern. As a society, we need to continue to push for better mental health care and provide support for those who need it.

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Jason Nguyen

Jason Nguyen

Freelance Journalist

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