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Sexto retiro: diputados de la Comisión de Constitución rechazan idea de legislar por amplia mayoría - La Tercera

By Tristan Garcia
Published in Politica Nacional
June 07, 2023
1 min read
Sexto retiro: diputados de la Comisión de Constitución rechazan idea de legislar por amplia mayoría - La Tercera

The idea of allowing a sixth withdrawal of pension funds in Chile has been the subject of intense debate in recent weeks. However, it seems that the proposal will not be moving forward anytime soon. In fact, Chile’s Congress has just rejected the bill with a resounding majority.

According to La Tercera, Chile’s Constituent Commission voted against the proposal by a total of 12 votes to only 1 in favor. This means that the bill will not be discussed any further and is effectively dead.

The sixth pension withdrawal was a controversial proposal because it would have allowed Chileans to withdraw a portion of their retirement savings for a sixth time since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Supporters claimed that it was necessary to help people cope with the economic impact of the virus, but opponents argued that it would put the country’s pension system at risk.

Despite the rejection of the sixth withdrawal, there are other proposals currently under discussion that could still affect Chile’s pension system. For instance, there are talks of increasing the minimum pension and of creating a state guarantee for pensions.

Overall, the debate over Chile’s pension system is complex, and there are valid arguments on both sides. Nevertheless, it is clear that any changes to the system will have a significant impact on the country’s aging population and its economy.

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Tristan Garcia

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