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Shakira le prohíbe a sus hijos asistir a la boda de su tío, hermano de Piqué

By Laura White
Published in Entretenimiento
June 14, 2023
1 min read
Shakira le prohíbe a sus hijos asistir a la boda de su tío, hermano de Piqué

So, I just read this really interesting article about how Shakira won’t let her kids attend the wedding of her brother-in-law, who is Gerard Piqué’s brother. Apparently, she has a pretty strict rule about not wanting her kids to be photographed and followed by paparazzi, and she feels like a big wedding would attract too much attention.

It’s kind of impressive how she’s able to stay so committed to this in the face of so much pressure and media attention. I mean, I don’t have any kids, but I can only imagine how hard it must be to constantly have to worry about their safety and privacy.

One thing worth noting is that this isn’t the first time Shakira has taken measures to keep her kids out of the public eye. Back in 2017, she even sued a Spanish magazine for publishing pictures of her son without her permission. It’s clear she’s not messing around on this front.

All in all, I think this article reflects a broader trend of celebrities taking greater control over the way they’re portrayed in the media. Maybe it’s a sign that we as a society are becoming more aware and respectful of people’s personal lives, or maybe it’s just a reflection of the power imbalance between celebrities and the media. Either way, it’s interesting to see how things are changing.

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Laura White

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