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Si tenemos a la delincuencia desatada y una migración ilegal sin control, es evidente que la gente votará por el más facho que tenga al frente

By Owen Galvez
Published in Actualidad
May 10, 2023
1 min read
Si tenemos a la delincuencia desatada y una migración ilegal sin control, es evidente que la gente votará por el más facho que tenga al frente

I just read an article titled “Si tenemos a la delincuencia desatada y una migración ilegal sin control, es evidente que la gente votará por el más facho que tenga al frente” and I found it really interesting. Basically, the article talks about how in situations where crime is rampant and illegal immigration is out of control, people are more likely to vote for a leader who takes a hardline stance on these issues, even if they happen to be a fascist.

According to the article, when people feel unsafe or threatened, they tend to prioritize security over other things and are more likely to support authoritarian leaders who promise to crack down on crime and immigration. We saw this happen in the US with Trump, who capitalized on fears of crime and illegal immigration to rally support from his base.

Personally, I can relate to this article because I grew up in a neighborhood that was plagued by crime. I remember feeling scared to go outside and seeing drug deals happening on my street. I can understand why people would want to vote for someone who promises to make their community safer, even if that person happens to be a bit extreme.

Overall, I think this article raises some important points about the relationship between crime, immigration, and politics. It’s worth thinking about how we can address these issues in a way that doesn’t fuel the rise of authoritarianism.

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Owen Galvez

Owen Galvez

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