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"Super Mario Bros. La Película" venció a "Frozen" -

By Ryan Wu
Published in Entretenimiento
June 01, 2023
1 min read
"Super Mario Bros. La Película" venció a "Frozen" -

As a writer for a news site, I came across an interesting article titled “Super Mario Bros. La Película” venció a “Frozen” on What caught my attention about the article was the fact that the Super Mario Bros. movie had beaten Frozen.

The article talks about the success of the recently released Super Mario Bros. movie in Argentina. The movie managed to beat out Frozen, which was previously holding the top spot in the country’s box office. The article mentions that the Mario movie had made around 60 million pesos, which is approximately $650,000 USD, during its opening weekend.

This success is not just limited to Argentina. The article goes on to mention that the movie has also been doing well in other countries such as Mexico and Spain.

As someone who grew up playing Super Mario Bros., it is exciting to see that the franchise is still going strong and resonating with new generations. This also shows the power of nostalgia and how it can be used to create successful adaptations of beloved childhood franchises.

Overall, the article highlights the success of the Super Mario Bros. movie and how it has managed to beat out other popular films, including Frozen. It is a reminder of the cultural impact that the franchise has had and its ability to continue to captivate audiences worldwide.

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Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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