So, I was reading this article about Piñera, and apparently, his pardons to people convicted of crimes against humanity weren’t exactly legal. Like, they didn’t follow the rules in the Statute of Rome, which are supposed to regulate these kinds of things.
Basically, the article says that Piñera pardoned a bunch of people who were prosecuted and found guilty of atrocious crimes, like torture and murder, which happened during the Pinochet dictatorship here in Chile. And while it’s true that they were very old and sick, and maybe they didn’t have much time left to live anyway, the fact that they got pardoned without following the proper procedures is still wrong.
I mean, imagine if you were one of the victims, or if your family suffered under the dictatorship. I’m not sure you would be happy about seeing the people responsible for those crimes walk free, just because someone felt sorry for them. It doesn’t seem fair, does it?
What’s more, these pardons were granted just a few days before Piñera left office, which seems a bit fishy to me. I don’t know about you, but it feels like he was trying to avoid any backlash or criticism by doing it at the last minute.
Anyway, in conclusion, I think it’s important to remember that justice should be impartial, and that no one is above the law. I hope that the people affected by these pardons can find some peace, even if it’s not through legal means. And let’s hope that our leaders are more careful and respectful of the law in the future.
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