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“Tiene una colección de autos que te morís”: Paty Maldonado arremete contra Pedro Pascal

By Sophie Hawthorne
Published in Entretenimiento
May 09, 2023
1 min read
“Tiene una colección de autos que te morís”: Paty Maldonado arremete contra Pedro Pascal

Paty Maldonado, the Chilean singer and television personality, recently made headlines with her scathing attack on Pedro Pascal, the star of the Netflix original series Narcos. In an interview with Chilean newspaper La Tercera, Maldonado criticized Pascal for not buying property in Chile and for allegedly being rude to her at a party. But her most notable insult was aimed at Pascal’s collection of cars, which she disparagingly called “a collection that will kill you.”

Maldonado’s comments about Pascal’s car collection have garnered a lot of attention, in part because of her use of the phrase “te morís,” which literally means “you die” and is a common colloquial expression for being very impressed or overwhelmed. While her insults might seem petty or mean-spirited, they also reveal some interesting cultural attitudes towards wealth and celebrity in Chile.

In Chile, as in many other countries, there is a long history of resentment towards the wealthy and powerful, and this often plays out in the media. Celebrities like Pedro Pascal are often subject to intense scrutiny and criticism, especially if they are perceived as not being sufficiently connected to their homeland or not using their wealth to benefit others. Maldonado’s attack on Pascal, therefore, can be seen as part of a larger cultural trend, rather than simply an isolated incident.

Despite the controversy, it is worth noting that both Maldonado and Pascal are incredibly successful in their respective fields, and have done a lot to put Chilean culture on the international map. While it can be tempting to focus on their perceived flaws or shortcomings, we should also remember that they are just people, with their own hopes, dreams, and foibles. Ultimately, whether we are talking about celebrities or everyday people, it is important to treat each other with kindness and respect, rather than tearing each other down.

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Sophie Hawthorne

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