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Top Gun: Maverick lleva UN AÑO en cartelera y sigue siendo un éxito en Japón

By Ryan Wu
Published in Vida Sana
June 11, 2023
1 min read
Top Gun: Maverick lleva UN AÑO en cartelera y sigue siendo un éxito en Japón

So, I just read this super interesting article about Top Gun: Maverick - apparently it’s been out in Japanese theaters for a whole year now and is still killing it! Crazy, right?

Basically, the article says that Top Gun: Maverick, the long-awaited sequel to the classic Tom Cruise flick, has been a huge hit in Japan since it first came out in July 2019. Despite being in theaters for over a year now, it’s still consistently selling out showings and drawing in audiences.

One theory for why it’s been so successful is that Japanese audiences just really really love Tom Cruise - he’s always been super popular over there for some reason. But regardless of the why, the fact that this movie has been able to maintain such a level of success for so long is seriously impressive.

I personally haven’t seen the new Top Gun yet (I know, I know, I’m way behind), but I remember watching the original with my dad when I was a little kid. It’s one of those classic, can’t-miss ’80s action movies, and from what I’ve heard, the sequel really lives up to the hype - I mean, it’s still killing it in Japanese theaters a whole YEAR after its release, so it’s gotta be doing something right!

All in all, I think it’s really interesting to see how movies can really resonate with audiences in certain parts of the world. Plus, it’s always cool to see a movie beat the odds and maintain its success for longer than anyone expected. Who knows, maybe I’ll finally get around to watching it myself and see what all the fuss is about!

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Ryan Wu

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