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Tras caso convenios: Republicanos desarchivan antiguo proyecto de Kast para inhabilitar contratación de cónyuges y parientes

By Elias Herrera
Published in Politica Nacional
June 22, 2023
1 min read
Tras caso convenios: Republicanos desarchivan antiguo proyecto de Kast para inhabilitar contratación de cónyuges y parientes

Have you ever heard of politicians proposing to prohibit the hiring of spouses and family members in government contracts? Well, that’s exactly what happened in Chile several years ago. And now, after being put on hold, the project has resurfaced, thanks to the right-wing Republican political party. The proposal, originally crafted by Chilean presidential hopeful José Antonio Kast in 2018, aims to prevent government contract recipients from hiring their immediate family members as employees or subcontractors. Under the current Chilean law, there are no restrictions when it comes to hiring family members. While the proposal may seem like common sense, some critics argue that it may adversely affect small businesses that rely on family members to run their operations. Nonetheless, proponents say it will promote transparency, reduce conflicts of interest, and enhance accountability in government contracting. The project’s revival follows a recent scandal where high-ranking officials awarded valuable government contracts to their spouses and/or family members. On the surface, this story may seem like just another obscure political wrangling. However, it highlights the delicate balance between personal relationships, business, and public trust, both in Chile and around the world. It’s a critical reminder of the importance of ethical leadership and holding those in power accountable.

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Elias Herrera

Elias Herrera

Lifestyle Columnist

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September 16, 2023
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