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Tras pasar 16 horas en camilla, hecha con sillas de plástico, madre retira a su hijo autista del Hospital de Talca. Recinto la denunció a la justicia por llevárselo

By Laura White
Published in Actualidad
May 23, 2023
2 min read
Tras pasar 16 horas en camilla, hecha con sillas de plástico, madre retira a su hijo autista del Hospital de Talca. Recinto la denunció a la justicia por llevárselo

As a writer for a news site, I came across an interesting article titled “Tras pasar 16 horas en camilla, hecha con sillas de plástico, madre retira a su hijo autista del Hospital de Talca. Recinto la denunció a la justicia por llevárselo” which translates to “After 16 hours on a plastic chair bed, mother removes autistic child from Talca Hospital. Medical facility reported her to the judiciary for taking him away.”

The article caught my attention because of the blatant disregard of basic human rights that the hospital staff seemed to exhibit towards the mother and her child. The article sheds light on how the mother had to resort to extreme measures to ensure the well-being of her child. The hospital staff’s lack of empathy and understanding towards the autistic child and his mother is appalling, to say the least.

In summary, the article details how a mother arrived at Talca Hospital in Chile with her autistic child and had to wait for 16 hours for a bed to be available. The hospital provided her with a makeshift bed made of plastic chairs. The mother, whose identity has been kept anonymous, reportedly stated that her child was having a meltdown due to the sensory overload caused by the hospital environment. She requested the hospital staff to provide a proper bed or shift them to a quieter place, but her requests were allegedly ignored. In desperation, the mother constructed a bed using the chairs provided by the hospital and waited for a total of 16 hours before deciding to take her son home.

The Talca Hospital management has filed a police complaint against the mother for “disregarding medical advice and performing self-discharge.” However, many people have come out in support of the mother and her decision to take her child out of the hospital.

As someone who has worked in the healthcare industry, I can understand the challenges and limitations that hospitals sometimes face due to resource constraints. However, the lack of empathy and understanding displayed by the hospital staff towards the mother and her autistic child is unacceptable.

In conclusion, the incident highlights the need for more awareness and sensitivity towards people with disabilities and their caregivers. It is important to ensure that healthcare facilities are equipped to cater to the needs of people with different abilities. We need to create a more inclusive healthcare system that places a greater emphasis on patient-centered care.

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