I came across an article titled “Tras pasar 16 horas en camilla, hecha con sillas de plástico, madre retira a su hijo autista del Hospital de Talca. Recinto la denunció a la justicia por llevárselo” and it instantly caught my attention. The article is about a mother who had to remove her autistic son from a hospital in Chile after 16 hours of waiting on a makeshift bed made from plastic chairs. The hospital later reported the mother for taking her son out of the hospital without proper discharge papers.
According to the article, the mother took her son to the hospital in Talca, a city in Chile, for a persistent cough, and after waiting for 16 hours, her son had not received any medical attention. The hospital staff provided a plastic chair as a bed and tied him down with a sheet. The mother claims her son was “forced to lie on a makeshift bed made from plastic chairs for 16 hours” which is not suitable for any patient, let alone an autistic child.
The mother then decided to take her son back home since he was not receiving medical attention. However, the hospital reported the mother to the court, stating that she had removed her son without proper discharge papers and in doing so had put his health at risk.
This article highlights the challenges faced by parents with children who have disabilities in emergency healthcare situations. The mother’s struggle is a reflection of the obstacles that the disabled often face in hospital settings. The article resonates with people who have dealt with similar problems and underscores the need for more specialized facilities and staff that are better equipped to handle such cases.
In conclusion, the treatment of patients, especially those with disabilities, should always be professional and compassionate. Healthcare providers need to have a better understanding of how to communicate and care for patients with disabilities. It is essential to provide a safe and conducive environment for patients and their families. The article serves as a reminder that there is a lot that needs to be done to improve patient care in healthcare facilities.
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