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Tras pasar 16 horas en camilla, hecha con sillas de plástico, madre retira a su hijo autista del Hospital de Talca. Recinto la denunció a la justicia por llevárselo

By Krystal Clarity
Published in Actualidad
May 30, 2023
1 min read
Tras pasar 16 horas en camilla, hecha con sillas de plástico, madre retira a su hijo autista del Hospital de Talca. Recinto la denunció a la justicia por llevárselo

As a writer for a news site, one interesting article that caught my attention was about a mother who removed her autistic son from Talca Hospital in Chile after spending 16 hours on a makeshift bed made of plastic chairs, only to face legal action from the hospital for doing so.

According to the report, the mother, who brought her son to the hospital to receive emergency medical attention, left the hospital with her child after being forced to use plastic chairs to build a makeshift bed. Despite her repeated pleas for a proper bed, hospital staff failed to provide one, forcing the mother to take matters into her own hands.

After the incident, the hospital filed a formal complaint with the authorities, accusing the mother of taking her son without consent and potentially risking his health by doing so. However, the incident has sparked outrage among the public, with many calling for improvements to the country’s healthcare system and greater respect for patients’ rights.

As someone who values the importance of quality healthcare services, this article highlights the need for hospitals and healthcare providers to prioritize patients’ needs and provide adequate care, regardless of their condition or background. It also underscores the importance of empowering patients to take control of their healthcare and advocate for their own well-being, especially in situations where they feel their rights and dignity are being compromised.

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Krystal Clarity

Krystal Clarity

Psychic And Spiritual Counselor

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