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UDI censura a mesa de la Cámara tras convenios entre Seremi y fundación de la pareja de diputada Pérez

By Ryan Wu
Published in Politica Nacional
June 20, 2023
1 min read
UDI censura a mesa de la Cámara tras convenios entre Seremi y fundación de la pareja de diputada Pérez

So, I just read this crazy article about the UDI censoring the table of the Chamber of Deputies in Chile. Apparently, it’s all linked to some shady deals between the regional government (Seremi) and a foundation run by the husband of a UDI deputy named Loreto Pérez.

Basically, the UDI is accusing the table of covering up these agreements, which involve giving public funds to the aforementioned foundation, and they’re demanding that the Speaker of the Chamber (who is also a member of the UDI) investigate the matter.

It all sounds pretty messy, but unfortunately, not all that surprising. I mean, we’ve seen this kind of thing happen before, where politicians use their power and influence to enrich themselves or their associates. It’s just disheartening to see it happening yet again.

At the same time, it’s important to have a free and independent press that can shine a light on these abuses and hold those responsible accountable. I think we need to keep up the pressure and demand transparency and honesty from our elected officials, instead of just accepting their excuses and empty promises.

In the end, it’s our democracy that’s at stake here, and we can’t afford to let it be undermined by corruption and self-interest. So let’s stay informed, speak out, and keep fighting for a better and more just society for all.

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Ryan Wu

Freelance Journalist

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