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Un canal de TV abierta emitió la película de Mario Bros sin permiso

By Elias Herrera
Published in Entretenimiento
June 23, 2023
1 min read
Un canal de TV abierta emitió la película de Mario Bros sin permiso

Yo, did you hear about this TV channel that broadcasted the Mario Bros movie without permission? It’s crazy!

Basically, this channel in Argentina aired the classic film without getting the proper rights first. And to make matters worse, they even added some commercials during the movie. Can you believe that?

But it’s not just about breaking the law - it’s also really disrespectful to the creators of the movie and the people who worked hard to produce it. These channels need to learn to respect copyright laws and support the entertainment industry, not just try to make a quick buck by showing stolen content.

It also reminds me of the time when I tried to download a pirated version of a game and it messed up my computer with a virus. I learned my lesson and now stick to legitimate downloads - it’s just not worth the risk.

Overall, this story highlights the importance of respecting intellectual property and supporting the hard work of artists, while also serving as a cautionary tale for those who try to take shortcuts. Let’s hope TV channels and individuals alike start doing the right thing!

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Elias Herrera

Lifestyle Columnist

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