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Vallejo defiende tuit de Boric contra medio donde acusó "noticias falsas" tras asistir a partido

By Laura White
Published in Politica Nacional
May 24, 2023
1 min read
Vallejo defiende tuit de Boric contra medio donde acusó "noticias falsas" tras asistir a partido

Vallejo, a Chilean politician, has come forward to defend a tweet made by presidential candidate Gabriel Boric. In the tweet, Boric accused a media outlet of spreading false news, after attending a political event. Vallejo has supported Boric’s claim, stating that “the media outlet in question has a long history of biased reporting”. Many have come forward to voice their opinions, with some calling for Boric to provide evidence to back up his claims. Others have pointed out that freedom of the press is a cornerstone of democracy and that the press has a responsibility to hold those in power accountable. The incident highlights the ongoing debate around media bias in Chile and the challenges faced by journalists who strive to consistently provide objective reporting. With the presidential election looming, it is crucial that voters are able to access reliable and accurate information in order to make informed decisions.

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Laura White

Education Correspondent

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