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Vallejo pidió no "usar políticamente" la salida de exsubsecretario Larraín para boicotear la reforma previsional

By Ana Escamilla
Published in Politica Nacional
June 04, 2023
1 min read
Vallejo pidió no "usar políticamente" la salida de exsubsecretario Larraín para boicotear la reforma previsional

I just read an article that really caught my attention. It’s about the former sub-secretary of pensions in Chile, who recently resigned amid controversy surrounding the government’s proposed pension reform. The article explains how Vallejo, a prominent politician, has urged people not to “politicize” this resignation in order to avoid derailing the reform process.

Basically, the government wants to overhaul the current pension system, which many believe is inadequate and unfair. The proposed reforms aim to make the system more sustainable and equitable, but there’s been a lot of pushback from various sectors. Some people are worried that the changes will hurt low-income workers and retirees, while others argue that the reforms don’t go far enough.

The ex-sub-secretary’s resignation has only added fuel to this fire. Some critics are using it as a way to attack the government and undermine the reform process. That’s why Vallejo is speaking out, urging everyone to stay focused on the issue at hand and not let political maneuvering get in the way of progress.

As someone who’s lived in Chile for several years now, I can attest to how important this issue is to people here. Pensions are a huge part of the social safety net, and many people rely on them to make ends meet. It’s not surprising that there’s a lot of passion and debate surrounding this topic.

Overall, I think Vallejo’s message is an important one. It’s easy to let politics cloud our judgment and distract us from what really matters. Let’s hope that people take her advice and keep the bigger picture in mind as this discussion continues.

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Ana Escamilla

Ana Escamilla

Freelance Journalist

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