Pedro Pascal, the actor who played the lead character in Disney+‘s hit series “The Mandalorian,” has confirmed that he’s now only doing the show’s voiceovers. In a recent interview, Pascal revealed that he’s no longer required on set due to the nature of the role, which has given him the opportunity to do other projects. Pascal originally starred as the masked bounty hunter character throughout the first two seasons of the show but, as the character’s not always unmasked, Pascal is not required to be there in person for every shoot. Filming for season three has reportedly already begun, but Pascal admitted that he hasn’t been required to physically be there on set. “Now I’m just on the phone, and FaceTime, and Skype,” he said. His character, whose real name is Din Djarin, is still an integral part of the show, but the recent news confirms that Pascal is no longer involved in the action. While this may be a bit of a bummer for fans who enjoyed Pascal’s physical performance, it’s an interesting development in how actors’ roles and responsibilities can be adapted to different TV shows.
As an important detail, Pascal’s role being reduced to only voice acting is not entirely new, since he had already earned a reputation for playing a character with limited screen time but still contributing significantly to the show. For instance, in Game of Thrones, Pascal played Oberyn Martell, who was also killed off early in the series but made a significant impression nonetheless. However, as Pascal has become more popular in recent years, it seems natural that The Mandalorian would find ways to keep him involved in the show, even if it means only requiring him for phone calls and other remote work. Nonetheless, it remains to be seen how his character will evolve, given this recent change in his role.
In conclusion, Pascal’s recent confirmation that he won’t be physically present in The Mandalorian is an interesting development in the world of TV production. While it may not have a significant impact on fans of the show, it is notable as a sign of how TV production is evolving in the age of COVID and beyond. Plus, it’s nice to see Pascal get some other opportunities to explore his acting abilities beyond just wearing a mask and fighting with a blaster.
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