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VIDEO: Zoológico de China asegura que sus osos son reales y no personas con disfraces

By Isabel Thakur
Published in Internacional
August 23, 2023
1 min read
VIDEO: Zoológico de China asegura que sus osos son reales y no personas con disfraces

China’s Harbin Zoo has recently made headlines as it faces accusations that some of its bears are actually people dressed up in costumes. The zoo, however, vehemently denies these claims, asserting that their bears are indeed real animals. This bizarre situation has garnered significant attention due to the startlingly human-like behavior exhibited by the supposed “bears.”

At the center of the controversy is a series of videos that capture the bears walking on their hind legs, waving to visitors, and even bowing. These humanoid actions have sparked skepticism and led some to question whether the zoo is subjecting humans to cruel treatment. In response, the zoo has released statements clarifying that their bears are not people in disguise.

Officials from the zoo argue that this behavior is the result of their training methods, rather than any nefarious intent. They explain that the bears are encouraged to stand on their hind legs and wave using treats and positive reinforcement. In their defense, they emphasize that their training techniques are widely accepted within the zoological community.

However, animal rights activists remain unconvinced and have demanded a thorough investigation into the zoo’s practices. They argue that training animals to mimic human behavior can lead to physical and psychological harm. The controversy has sparked a wider conversation about the ethical treatment of animals in captivity.

It’s essential to consider the context in which this issue arises. Throughout history, animals have been trained to perform tricks as a form of entertainment for humans. From circuses to theme parks, the line between education and exploitation has often been blurred. This incident serves as a reminder to critically examine the treatment of animals in different settings.

In conclusion, the controversy surrounding China’s Harbin Zoo highlights the clash between entertainment and animal welfare. Regardless of whether the bears are indeed animals or people in costumes, the underlying issue remains the same – the ethical treatment of animals in captivity. This story serves as a reminder to hold institutions accountable for the well-being and dignity of the creatures under their care.

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Isabel Thakur

Isabel Thakur

Food & Fashion Writer

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