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Winter interpela a Matthei por Caso Luminarias: «Ahora debe mostrar esas pruebas»

By Zoe Bauer
Published in Politica Nacional
May 09, 2023
1 min read
Winter interpela a Matthei por Caso Luminarias: «Ahora debe mostrar esas pruebas»

The mayor of Providencia, Evelyn Matthei, has been called out by Winter, the president of the Senate, to present evidence regarding the Luminarias case. This is an ongoing investigation regarding contracts for public lighting in different municipalities. Winter urged Matthei to prove her innocence and provide details in order to clarify the situation. Matthei has denied any wrongdoing and has stated that she is willing to cooperate with the investigation.

The Luminarias case has sparked controversy and raised eyebrows amongst the Chilean citizens. Government officials are being held accountable and held to a higher standard of transparency and accountability. The fact that Senator Winter has publicly called out Matthei shows that there is a growing demand from the citizens to hold all government officials to a higher standard.

The comments of Winter reflect a desire for change in the way the government operates. This case highlights the importance of transparency and accountability in government matters. All public officials should be held accountable for their actions and decisions, especially when it comes to the use of public money.

It is essential for the government to have transparency to promote public trust and confidence. The Luminarias case is a reminder of the importance of these values, as well as of the need for government officials to act with integrity and honesty in all their dealings. The public deserves leaders who are ethical and held accountable for their actions and decisions.

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Zoe Bauer

Zoe Bauer

Health and Wellness Writer

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